As I am typing this, I am running through a mental checklist of items I need to get ready for my annual Lake of The Woods ice fishing trip. With money, time, 'Honey Do' lists, and fatherhood all factoring in, this might be the only trip I make up there this year.

I am going to put it on the wall!!
Yes, you read that right: A Burbout hanging on the Man Den wall.
Most fishermen would rather have a Walleye or Northerrn adorning their trophy room, but I of course have my own drummer at times.
I want to wrangle in a a slimy, growling, mean and nasty Eel Pout to show off. The Rodney Dangerfield of MN lakes if you will.
No, I am not out of my mind. Thousands of attendees to the Eel Pout Festival in Walker MN every year can't be wrong, can they?
(speaking of The Eel Pout Fest, check out the link to learn more and consider checking it out:
I did catch a dandy Burbout a few years back, but didn't think about the possibility of mounting it until it was already cooking in the pot. That's hindsight for ya.
Here is my Top 4 reasons to praise the Pout:
- Rough and Tough - The two Burbout I have caught in my life (through the ice) really threw some punches on the way out of the hole. Besides that, the real fun happens when they hit the deck and you have to get them off the hook!
- Taste - Poor Man's Lobster. Period. Boiled Backstraps+Drawn Butter = Crazy Delicious
- Beauty - Their colors coming out of the ice are amazing. Green/Yellow/Purple/Glossy Black...tons of character! (I would even argue I would be the only person in the Tri-state area that would have a mounted Eel Pout.)
- Mystique - Some anglers have never seen a live one, let alone caught one. Other anglers hate them because they don't know any better.
So, Thursday I leave for the big lake and my hopes are high. I will be sure to keep you updated on the 'hunt' for my wall hanger. My luck I will just catch a 30" Walleye instead...